Vodja Oddelka za refraktivno kirurgijo Klinike Svjetlost
Zdravnica Bohač je končala Medicinsko fakulteto Univerze v Zagrebu in specializacijo iz oftalmologije pod mentorstvom prof. dr. Nikice Gabrića. Z izpopolnjevanjem s področja refraktivne kirurgije je začela pod mentorstvom profesorja Gabrića in nadaljevala z dodatnim izpopolnjevanjem v Londonu, Zürichu, Barceloni, Kölnu in Strasbourgu.
V znanstvenem izobraževanju je dr. Bohač končala podiplomski študij Biomedicina in zdravstvo na Medicinski fakulteti Univerze v Zagrebu. Aprila 2017 je zagovarjala doktorat z naslovom: „Primerjave mehaničnih mikrokeratomov in femtosekundnega laserja“ in postala doktorica znanosti. Izvolitev v naziv docentka na Medicinski fakulteti Univerze na Reki z naslovom „Refrakcijska kirurgija rožnice“ je potrjena leta 2021.
Delovno področje
Dr. Bohač se ukvarja z refraktivno kirurgijo. Na Oddelku za refraktivno kirurgijo je zadolžena za vodenje tima 10 refraktivnih kirurgov in uvajanje novih tehnologij s področja laserske refraktivne kirurgije za potrebe dodatnega napredovanja rezultatov. Njena posebna specialnost so laserske operacije pri kompliciranih primerih - brazgotine in poškodbe roženice in različni predhodni refraktivni posegi.
Dr. Bohač je do zdaj opravila več kot 30.000 laserskih operacij.
Uvajanje novih metod
Je med prvimi zdravniki na tem področju, ki so začeli uporabljati femtosekundne laserje. Je ena izmed prvih oftalmologov, ki je začela lasersko odstranjevati bralne dioptrije in prvi zdravnik v regiji, ki je uvedel novo vrsto laserskega odstranjevanja dioptrije SMILE.
Publikacije in raziskave
Objavila je 25 del, indeksiranih v CC, od katerih so najpomembnejša dela povezana z odstranjevanjem visokega astigmatizma z excimer laserji.
Članstvo v združenjih
Je član Internacionalnega združenja za refraktivno kirurgiji, Evropskega združenja za katarakto in refraktivno kirurgijo in Hrvaškega združenja za katarakto in refraktivno kirurgijo. Redno sodeluje kot akcijski predavatelj in edukator na njihovih letnih sestankih.
Glavne publikacije
Pidro A, Biscevic A, Pjano MA, Mravicic I, Bejdic N, Bohac M. Excimer Lasers in Refractive Surgery. Acta Inform Med. 2019 Dec;27(4):278-283.
Bohac M, Koncarevic M, Pasalic A, Biscevic A, Merlak M, Gabric N, Patel S. Incidence and Clinical Characteristics of Post LASIK Ectasia: A Review of over 30,000 LASIK Cases. Semin Ophthalmol. 2018;33(7-8):869-877.
Grišević S, Gilevska F, Biščević A, Ahmedbegović-Pjano M, Pidro A, Patel S, Bohač M. Cross-linking treatment for better visual acuity. Med Glas (Zenica). 2020 Feb 1;17(1):123-128.
Biscevic A, Pidro A, Pjano MA, Grisevic S, Ziga N, Bohač M. Lasik as a Solution for High Hypermetropia. Med Arch. 2019 Jun;73(3):191-194.
Mravicic I, Bohac M, Lukacevic S, Jagaric K, Maja M, Patel S. The relationship between clinical measures of aniseikonia and stereoacuity before and after LASIK. J Optom. 2020 Jan-Mar;13(1):59-68.
Biscevic A, Bohac M, Pjano MA, Grisevic S, Patel S, Pidro A. Treatment of High Astigmatism with WaveLight Allegretto Eye-Q Excimer Laser Platform. Acta Inform Med. 2019 Sep;27(3):177-180.
Biscevic A, Ahmedbegovic-Pjano M, Pasalic A, Ziga N, Gabric K, Bohac M. Changes in the Higher Order Ocular Aberrations and Central Corneal Thickness After T-PRK and Fs-LASIK. Acta Inform Med. 2020 Jun;28(2):98-102.
Bohac M, Jagic M, Biscevic A, Shijakova V, Gabric N, Patel S. Changes in Endothelial Cell Count Up to Three Years After Implantation of Toric Implantable Collamer Lenses. Cornea. 2019 Jul;38(7):873-879.
Grisevic S, Gilevska F, Biscevic A, Ahmedbegovic-Pjano M, Bohac M, Pidro A. Keratoconus Progression Classification One Year After Performed Crosslinking Method Based on ABCD Keratoconus Grading System. Acta Inform Med. 2020 Mar;28(1):18-23.
Biscevic A, Bohac M, Ahmedbegovic-Pjano M, Pidro A, Bejdic N, Patel S. The relationship between patient age and residual refractive error after uneventful laser in situ keratomileusis for moderate-to-high hyperopia. Eur J Ophthalmol. 2020 Jun 28:1120672120937658.
Biscevic A, Pidro A, Ahmedbegovic-Pjano M, Bjedic N, Bohac M, Patel S. Vector Analysis of Changes in the Higher Order Ocular Aberrations and Central Corneal Thickness After T-PRK and Fs-LASIK. Acta Inform Med. 2020 Mar;28(1):24-28.
Bohac M, Koncarevic M, Dukic A, Biscevic A, Cerovic V, Merlak M, Gabric N, Patel S. Unwanted Astigmatism and High-order Aberrations One Year after Excimer and Femtosecond Corneal Surgery. Optom Vis Sci. 2018 Nov;95(11):1064-1076.
Ahmedbegović Pjano M, Alikadić-Husović A, Grišević S, Pašalić A, Pidro A, Ratković M, Bohac M, Gabrić N, Gojak R. Efficacy and safety of iris-supported phakic lenses (Verisyse) for treating moderately high myopia. Med Glas (Zenica). 2016 Feb 1;13(1):25-30.
Pjano MA, Biscevic A, Grisevic S, Pidro A, Ratkovic M, Bohac M, Husovic AA, Gojak R. One Year Follow-Up After Veriflex Phakic Intraocular Lenses Implantation for Correction of Myopia. Acta Inform Med. 2016 Jun;24(3):178-81.
Patel S, Bohac M, Biscevic A, Koncarevic M, Anticic M, Gabric N. A Critical Evaluation of Refractive Outcomes Following LASIK for Moderate to High Astigmatism Using Two Excimer Laser Platforms. J Refract Surg. 2017 Feb 1;33(2):104-109.
Dukic A, Bohac M, Pasalic A, Koncarevic M, Anticic M, Patel S. Apparent Corneal Ectasia After Bilateral Intrastromal Femtosecond Laser Treatment for Presbyopia. Cornea. 2016 Nov;35(11):1495-1498.
Bohac M, Anticic M, Draca N, Kozomara B, Dekaris I, Gabric N, Patel S. Comparison of Verysise and Veriflex Phakic Intraocular Lenses for Treatment od Moderate to High Myopia 36 Months after Surgery. Semin Ophthalmol. 2017;32(6):725-733.
Bohac M, Anticic M, Koncarevic M, Biscevic A, Cerovic V, Gabric N, Patel S. Ocular aberrations and corneal thickness-intraocular pressure relationship one year after laser in situ keratomileusis (LASIK) enhancement with an aspheric ablation profile. Clin Exp Ophthalmol 2015.
Bohac M, Biscevic A, Koncarevic M, Anticic M, Gabric N, Patel S. Comparison of Wavelight Allegretto Eye-Q and Schwind Amaris 750S excimer laser in treatment of high astigmatism. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol. 2014; 114(1):62-68.
Biscevic A, Bohac M, Koncarevic M, Anticic M, Dekaris I, Patel S. Vector analysis of astigmatism before and after LASIK: a comparison of two different platforms for treatment of high astigmatism. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol. 2015 Dec;253(12):2325-33.
Kozomara B, Bohac M, Gabric N, Patel S. Bowman strip complications during routine LASIK: Two cases demonstrating the clinical advantage of using Mitomicyn C in such cases. J Optom. 2015;8(3):219-220.
Bohac M, Gabric N, Anticic M, Draca N, Dekaris I. First Results of Intracor Procedure in Croatia. Coll Antropol. 2011 May;35 Suppl 2:161-166.
Gavric M, Gabric N, Dekaris I, Boha M, Draca N. Selective laser trabeculoplasty in the treatment of pseudoexfoliation glaucoma in patients allergic to all anti-glaucoma drops. Coll Antropol 2010 Apr;34 Suppl 2:275-277.
Barišić A, Gabrić N, Dekaris I, Romac I, Bohac M, Jurić B. Comparison of Different Presbyopia Treatments: Refractive Lens Exchange with Multifocal Intraocular Lens Implantation Versus LASIK Monovision. Coll Antropol. 2010 Apr;34 Suppl 2:95-98.
Predovic J, Balog T, Marotti T, Gabric N, Bohac M, Romac I, Dekaris I. The expression of human corneal MMP-2, MMP-9, pro-MMP-13 and TIMP-1 in bullous keratopathy and keratoconus. Coll Antropol. 2008 Oct;32 Suppl 2:15-9.
Barisic A, Dekaris I, Gabric N,Bohac M, Mravicic I, Lazić R. Comparison of diffractive and reffractive multifocal intraocular lenses in presbyopia treatement. Coll Antropol. 2008 Oct;32 Suppl 2:27-31.